Friday, June 4, 2010


we went to an orphanage today. and if you know me at all you have to know that was hard for me because of my burden for children. but it was extra hard today because these kids are the social outcast ones who would be beaten or dead if they were still in their communities. the black albino children are precious.... so beautiful. i just wanted to take them home with me. there were blind kids and deaf and ones in wheel chairs, all sorts of stuff. it was heartbreaking. it just increased my burden for children so much more. as i was sitting there with them i was singing "Jesus Loves the Little Children" in my head. there are so many children all over the world that dont know Jesus. I dont know that i could ever pick a place to go on the mission field on my own. ive discovered this over the past two weeks ish that ive been here. Gods gonna have to do some major leading in my life. just seeing all these people who are in such desparate need of a Savior just makes me think of all the other people all over the world who need Jesus just as bad, except unlike where we were today... no one has told.

1 comment:

  1. Samantha girl it is so good to hear about what's going on in Africa. I just now found your site lol and enjoyed reading all your blogs. You have experienced quite alot already. And it's awesome to hear what God is teaching you. I'll continue to pray for your time there and where God may lead you from this "safari" :) I love you and miss you! Keep blogging!
