Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Killer Storks

Today was my second full day in Uganda!
Finally, I'm over the worst of the jet lag. Its about 8:30pm and I don't feel like crashing. About this time last night I was soooo ready for bed. Time zone change is 7 hours ahead of you all in Eastern time zone.
After lunch today, we began our journey west of the capital. So I got to see a lot of the landscape of Uganda. Its interesting to me how different Uganda looks vs. Tanzania. And they are located so close to each other. Uganda is a country of rolling hills covered with green, tropical looking plants. I actually noticed a reed that grows commonly around here that looks like the plant from the Lorax... they must have come to Africa. The temperatures here are amazing! It hasnt been more than high 70s or low 80s since I've been here... but the sun is so strong!
There is also a stork here that is basically a vulture, they have HUGE bodies and really tall legs and beaks with a wing span of about six feet. They are massive and super creepy looking. I'm hoping I can see one long enough to grab my camera to show you.
This picture was taken along our journey at the Equator line!!
So I got to stand in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Pretty cool!
For the next two weeks I am in a small village called Mbira. The missionaries live in a house on the same property as the orphanage. They have about 80 children! I got to see the kids tonight and tried to say hello, but they were really shy. I am excited to learn  more about the ministry here, and look forward to being able to share more pictures and stories with you!
Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to get the chance to read about your journey... praying for you -amt
