When I first learned that I had the chance to go to Uganda,
Africa this fall, I began making preparations for the trip. I knew that it would need to be intentional as I planned for future ministry, so I asked the
Lord to confirm that this was of Him. I asked Him to show me a passage in the Bible about
someone who went somewhere and did something for the Lord. . . Very vague, I know. The very first
person that He brought to my mind was Abraham. So I opened up my Bible and
flipped through the pages of Genesis until I found the chapter where God first
called Abraham out. I found it in Genesis chapter 12. And what God showed me
through the reading of those first few verses absolutely amazed me as He
connected it with my own life.
Side note: I love that God’s Word is alive. You can read the
same verse 50 times and yet after reading it the 51st time, the Holy
Spirit connects something unique about it to your life. His love for us as
individuals is outstanding.
Genesis 12:1-4
Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
4 So Abram went, as the Lord had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.
When God told Abraham that He wanted him to go, God did not
say, “Abraham, now listen to me. I want you to pack up everything you own and travel
to Egypt, stay there a year. After that year is over, travel into the
wilderness and build me an altar and stay there for a few weeks. After that I
will show you what I want you to do next.”
That was not what He said at all! God’s word to Abraham was,
“Go. . . to the land that I will show you.” Did you catch that? God did not tell
Abraham where he was to go! He just said, “Go.”
What a step of faith that must have been. Not only did
Abraham have to go, but his whole house: his wife, their servants, everything
they owned, including their cattle, went with them.
What is even more amazing to me is the response of Abraham.
The Bible does not say that he questioned God or that he had excuses. The Bible
just very simply states that Abraham “went.”
What a life of faith, what a HUGE step of faith! It is hard
to imagine taking such a step today, so I cannot even begin to imagine making
it back then when the world was so unknown. Abraham did not have a cell phone
or a GPS. He couldn't call home when he got lost. He did not have Facebook to
keep people posted on his progress. It was a decision with some huge challenges
and even greater unknowns. Knowing all that faced him, how scary the future
might be, makes his step of faith even more amazing to me because he did it
without hesitation.
Perhaps that is the reason why God chose him. His life of
faith made him one of the few people found in Hebrews 11.
I want to live a life
of faith like Abraham.
I truly believe that Jesus showed me this story at the
beginning of my journey to assure me of a few things. I could easily dwell on
the unknowns in my future, but He did not call me to a life of worry. He called
me to daily cast my worries and concerns upon Him and to follow His leading.
It is a scary thing for me to say I am quitting my job to
go on this month long trip.
It is a scary thing to not know where the money will come
from when I return. Where will I live?
Some might call it foolishness to leave everything behind. I
suppose when Abraham left everything behind to follow God there were many who
called him foolish. But great was his reward. He became the Father of the
nation of Israel. If he had not listened to the call of God upon his life to
go, I’m pretty sure he would not have been so blessed.
I have full confidence, complete faith, and utter assurance
in the depths of my soul that God has this all figured out.
When He spoke into my life a few months ago and whispered, “Samantha,
its time. It’s time to work on the vision I've put in your heart. It’s time to
go back to Africa and do what I have created you for.”
I answered by saying,
“Okay, God. I’ll get ready! Show me where, show me how!” And as the pieces
slowly began to come together I rejoiced and keep on rejoicing because I know
that the same God who led a very blind Abraham is the very same God who is
leading me. I’m not standing on my own two feet, but kneeling before His throne
in full surrender.
So there is no way that the thoughts of insecurities over my
future can overshadow the confidence God has placed upon my heart. His promises
of provision are real in my life.
He is my Provider God after all.
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