They dress in the traditional dress and their dancing is just jumping up and down as they chant.
We learned a lot about their culture and ancestor worship. Just a lot about their way of life.
Because of all we experienced today, which is more than i could ever express in words that you would come to understand and appreciate, we talked a lot about it tonight after dinner. Nate and Brad just shared their heart to see this people hear about the Gospel. It just put into prospective everything that they are doing in their ministry and the big picture... their goal as missionaries in this area. Their next project is a Timothy house, where they will house young men who are in school in the area. They hope to lead these men to Christ and see them be burdened for their people. If this happens they can reach their own people in ways that Americans never could.
Everything today just made me so much more passionate about lost souls and the need for missions. There are so many people all over this world who have never heard the gospel of Christ before. They need someone to tell them about Jesus, or else they are destined to hell. I want to tell them.
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