Im going to try and post everyday but i have to use brad and tricia's laptop and i dont really want to take up too much time on it.
Today was really cool. I went to the school i will be working at this summer. And enjoyed something called "chai time" chai just means tea here. Well during this time they eat something called ooge which is like corn meal and milk with a little sugar in it. it kinda tastes like cream of wheat. it wasnt too bad actually. i got to play with the kids and talk to them. that was really cool
this afternoon we went to a huge open market that they only have once a month. there were so many people there. we were the only white people so we got stared at a lot.
it was really cool though, because there were a lot of tribal people there selling their things. they were dressed in their traditional dress. with the wraps and huge gages. some of the woman had markings on their faces. so it was cool to walk around and try and buy things from these people.
i bought a kanga which is a wrap that the women wear around their waists. and i also bought a stick of sugar cane. that was interesting! :) it tasted good. it was just hard to eat. i just sucked on it and spit the stuff out. but they all sit around and eat it.
we get stared at everywhere we go, walking or driving. everyone looks at us.
but im really enjoying it here. the view is amazing!
Sounds like an amazing culture! Thanks for taking time to tell us about it.