I wanted to make a post to help people visualize where I will be in Africa, and what exactly I will be doing. So I have included a map that I made!
My journey begins in America, but when I arrive in Africa I will be flying into Uganda! Then I travel west to that first green star. I will be staying with a missionary family who have a ministry of a children's home. I will be with them for two weeks and really look forward to my time there. Next I travel into the capital of Uganda, Kampala, to meet up with people from the next ministry I will be spending time with... on the other side of Uganda close to the Kenyan border (the purple star). The ministry is called the Village of Eden and is a children's home too! I will be with them for two weeks. Then I will travel back to Kampala for a few days and am hopefully going to be spending time with a Teen Challenge center that just opened up for women! Then I will board a plane once again and travel to Tanzania, Africa where I will spend two weeks. I'm looking forward to this. I traveled to Tanzania, Africa in 2010 and am so excited to see people I met once before!
This trip is only possible for me because of the goodness of God in my life. He is so faithful and has used so many people and circumstances to encourage me. I'm so grateful for His provision in my life and the support of others. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who gave financially and also to those of you who have been praying for me. I am so excited for this trip and how God will work! I know that He will. Please continue to keep me in your prayers.