Last Sunday Brad, Tricia, and I went to Nate's church in Basotu. I enjoyed it. There were so many people there that Brad, Tricia, and I had to sit outside.
The next day, Monday, I was basically the kindergarten teacher for the day. Mama Ema is the teacher but she wasn't able to be there. So a Teacher's assistant and I worked together that day to teach the kids. Unfortunately for reasons i really don't understand, he was only there to teach the Swahili and Bible lesson and i had to handle the rest all on my own. He left me! It was interesting. The kindergarten class understands English... but not very much.
During activity centers the student teacher came back so we broke into two groups. All of a sudden i see one of the girls in my group put her hand over her mouth. All i was thinking is oh no. She started throwing up but i was able to get her out of the classroom before it was really bad. The ladies that worked in the kitchen cleaned her up and sent her back to class! i just had this feeling that she was going to throw up again... so i kept a close eye on her. And not even ten minutes later she started again.
It was an interesting day that only got better!
Brad decided to teach me how to ride a "Piki Piki"- a dirtbike. So we sat in the driveway as he showed me the clutch, the brake, gas, all that good stuff. i was so nervous but i really wanted to try!
That's one thing about Tanzania, if a white person does anything, it draws a crowd. You can be changing your tire on the road and people will come out of their houses to watch!